
05 May 2010

Village Fête

Ontem celebrou-se o May Day e pude finalmente ver uma village fête em todo o seu esplendor. Havia bunting, bolos, crianças a correr e flores por todo o lado. E uma banda a tocar. Inglaterra profunda, absolutamente encantadora.

Yesterday I finally got to see a May Day fête. There was bunting, cakes, children running around and flowers everywhere. And a brass band playing. A glimpse of a very charming England.

(images: Constança Cabral)


  1. Would you share so more images of your home please, they are very inspiring. I would particularly love to see your sitting room and bed room.
    Thanks for such an amazing blog :)
    Beijinhos Sabrina X

  2. Hi Sabrina,

    Thanks so much for your interest!

    I'm still in the midst of decorating our rented house... and I'm struggling with the wall colours, carpets and curtains. Once I deal with that I'll happily share our home! I just don't want to show things I'm unhappy with...

  3. Oh, Concha, this is so wonderful. You're living my dream. I was just reading today P.G.Wodehouses's "Blandinds Castle" and they were having a fête at the castle :)

  4. Okay thanks.
    By the way have you seen Kirstie's Homemade home, I think you would really enjoy it. It is on Youtube X

  5. Yes, Sabrina, I've watched every single episode and really enjoyed it! There'll be a new series soon, I've heard! :)

  6. I've heard that too but I'm not sure when. Kirstie is also releasing a book in September

  7. E a Tuga deprimida, cries and weeps... :D!
    Aproveita, que sorte tens!!


Thanks for your comment; do come again soon!