
14 July 2010

Madalenas :: Madeleines


200 g manteiga (amolecida)
200 g açúcar
200 g farinha
4 ovos
raspa de 3 limões
1 colher de chá de fermento
1 pitada de sal
icing sugar para polvilhar

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180º C. Untar muito bem as formas de madalenas e polvilhá-las com farinha.

Bater a manteiga com o açúcar. Juntar os ovos inteiros, um a um, e bater. Adicionar raspa de limão e bater. Ir incorporando a farinha (à qual se juntou previamente o fermento e o sal) aos poucos e envolver.

Encher formas até metade. Cozer até estarem douradas (tirar do forno no segundo em que estiverem cozidas!). Polvilhar com icing sugar.


200 g softened butter
200 g sugar
200 g flour
4 eggs
grated rind of 3 lemons
1 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
icing sugar

Preheat oven to 180º C. Butter and flour madeleine tins.

Mix butter and sugar. Add the eggs, one by one, and mix. Add lemon zest and mix. Gently fold in flour (previously mixed with baking powder and salt).

Pour batter into tins, filling them until just half full. Bake until golden (take them out of the oven the second they're done... watch them like a hawk!). Dust with icing sugar. 

(image: Constança Cabral)


  1. ¡Tienen una pinta estupenda! Tengo que probar la receta...
    ¡Saludos desde España!

  2. there is a story of the madalenas -a woman couldn't remember her past and she bit into a madeleine and she suddenly remembered. I need to look for that story and read your photo of these delilghts.

  3. Really? I had no idea. Must find that story now!

  4. Sao deliciosas com o cha da tarde!
    Linda foto tambem!

  5. They look delicious. It was always my favorite when I was on vacation in France.

  6. Que delícia!

    Vou fazer, obrigada por compartilhar.

    Beijos no coração...

  7. Será que a Orange Sugar Home não se está a referir ao célebre episódo da madalena na obra de Proust (À la recherche du temps perdu)?
    Quem sabe se ao trincar uma das tuas não somos assaltados igualmente pelo passado ... Que seja um bom passado! :)
    Têm um aspecto apetitoso. Vou fazer a receita assim que comprar a forma. Para que tudo fique como manda a tradição e aumentem as probabilidades do passado ser mesmo bom.
    Beijinhos para os dois.

  8. I am receiving some molds for my birthday from my mum. Sje said that to make them lift, you have to let them rest a bit in the fridge before putting them in the oven.

    As for the story, it comes from Proust 'du cote de chez Swan'. When he was a young boy , Proust used to eat madeleines at his granny's house. Years later, he eats one of those again, and find himself remembering so many memmories from his granny and himself as a young boy.
    It happens to all of us and show us how childhood memories can be strong (I'm sure you will build deautiful ones for Rodrigo for instance...) :)


Thanks for your comment; do come again soon!