
13 July 2010

Mid-Century Textiles

A mais recente edição da revista Homes & Antiques (na qual já falei aqui) tem um artigo sobre tecidos britânicos do pós-guerra. O texto é bastante informativo e, sobretudo, as fotografias são fabulosas. Há mais de 50 anos, estes padrões complementavam uma decoração bastante carregada e escura - paredes bordeaux ou verde-seco, muitos materiais e texturas misturados (madeira + tijolo + alcatifa) - mas o styling do artigo é fresco e bastante contemporâneo. Os móveis e acessórios são da mesma época, é certo, mas o branco das paredes, o chão de tábua corrida e a opção por pequenos apontamentos de tecido - almofadas, painéis e  abat-jours em vez de cortinados pesados e franzidos - tornam estes tecidos muito apropriados à decoração de uma casa em 2010. Conseguiriam usá-los em vossas casas?

The latest issue of Homes & Antiques (I've already blogged about the magazine here) has an article on mid-century British textiles. The text is quite good and the photographs are extraordinary. More than 50 years ago, these prints would be part of an overall heavy, dark decorating style - aubergine or green walls, a mixture of materials and textures (wood + brick + carpets) - but this article's styling is fresh and very up-to-date. The furniture and accessories are from the same era, true, but the white walls, the wooden floors and the way of presenting the fabrics - small details like cushions, wall hangings and lampshades instead of heavy curtains - make these textiles very easy to use in 2010 interior decoration. Now tell me, would you use them in your home?

(images: Homes & Antiques, 08/2010)


  1. I love these prints. I have some pottery from this period (rorstrand, egersund,gustavsberg)and I think it will be always up-to-date as all beautiful things are.

  2. oh these are gorgeous!! makes me look at these prints as more classic than I once thought.

  3. Love the blog, keep up the awesome work! Looks great

  4. You might then be interested in this post on Roddy and Ginger as the author's home was used for the photoshoot. I've one of her owl prints hanging on my daughter's wall which gets lots of compliments.


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