
23 July 2010

Vestido de Tricot :: Hand-knitted Dress

Não resisto a partilhar aqui o vestido que a minha mãe tricotou para a filha de uma amiga minha. O modelo apareceu na edição Primavera/Verão 2009 da revista da Debbie Bliss e foi tricotado com fios de algodão em tons náuticos. Adoro riscas no Verão!

I must share with you the dress my mother knitted for the daughter of a friend of mine. The pattern was included in the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of Debbie Bliss magazine and my mum used cotton yarns in nautical colours. I love stripes for Summer!

(images: Constança Cabral)


  1. protesseI love the dress . The colors are just so summery. I love reading your blog always something beautiful to look at. Thank you for sharing.

  2. É mesmo giro! Mas com bebé dentro ainda deve ser mais! ;)

  3. Oh my. This is seriously the most wonderful, beautiful dress and I wish I could buy it!!!!!!

  4. Very cute! Now everybody wants the dress plus a baby to go with it!

  5. These photos makes me want to learn how to knit. And by the way, love the purple clutch. Cool colour combo! :-)

  6. Hi Rebekka,

    Actually my mum enjoyed making this dress so much that she's made another one to sell - if you're interested me send me an email.

    Thanks! :)


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