
14 February 2011

Flores de Fevereiro :: February Flowers

Começaram a aparecer flores no jardim! De momento, há campainhas de Inverno, flores de forsythia e flores de aveleira. Pode estar frio, pode chover, pode até nevar... mas a Primavera vem a caminho.

I'm happy to report that I've been spotting some flowers in the garden! Presently there are snowdrops, forsythia flowers and hazel catkins. It might be cold, it might rain, it might even snow... but Spring is definitely on its way.

(photos: Constança Cabral)


  1. Amo a primavera.

    beijos e tenha de vitórias!

  2. I adore flowers and these simple ones make my heart happy.

  3. viva a Primavera e o renascimento!
    este blog é uma inspiração :)

  4. Oh, lucky you! We've only got crocus so far... no sign of forsythias, narcissus... yet. We will need to wait a bit more.

  5. Sempre lindo passar aqui!beijos,chica

  6. Adoro flores, alguns dos meus bolbos estão a florir, promessa de que apesar dos 6ºC em Wiltshire a Primavera não vai tardar. Desejo-te um fantástico dia de S. Valentim com muito sol e muita alegria.

  7. Οh, I wish there were snowdrops in Greece, too!I love them!
    Spring flowers are soooo beautiful!
    Beautiful photos, Concha!

  8. Scarves Scarves
    Wish all of the network of friends have a new start .
    those pictures are so beautiful! hope you have a great 2011.

  9. Just stumbled across your blog - what beautiful photographs. I was particularly struck by the forsythia with snowdrops and catkins - I've never really liked forsythia, and was thinking about this just today, but I shall see it in a whole new light from now on!

  10. Yellow flowers are the way to my heart. They look even better with the white. Love it!


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