
18 August 2011

Go Faster Polo Sweater

Esta altura do ano é óptima para dar avanço a projectos que ficaram pendurados durante o ano (ou vários anos). Para mim o ano novo começa em Setembro e gosto de entrar nele com a casa arrumada e sem demasiados wips (works in progress) espalhados por cestos, gavetas e prateleiras. Aproveitei a visita da minha mãe para acabar de tricotar esta camisola (deste livro de modelos). A ajuda da minha mãe foi preciosa e agora só falta coser!

This time of year is great to finish up any projects that have been left unfinished during the year(s). For me the year truly starts in September and I like to step into it with a tidy house and not too many wips lurking around in baskets, drawers and shelves. I took advantage of my mother's stay to finish knitting this sweater (from this pattern book). Her help was crucial and now I just have to sew it up!

(photo: Constança Cabral)


  1. É muito gira!
    Eu também sou assim, existem 1001 projectos espalhados cá por casa. De vez em quando dou a volta a tudo, e la vou terminando, umas coisitas.
    bjs e bons trabalhos

  2. Adoro a camisola e já agora comento os posts anteriores...adorava ter um quilt mas não tenho coragem de começar um.
    Achei mt interessante um workshop ministrado por 2 homens num mundo que é maioritariamente de mulheres :)
    Ps: adorei o casaco às bolinhas :P

  3. Gorgeous sweater. Can't wait to see you modeling it. Aren't mothers just the best. They're always there when you need them!

  4. I like this idea of finishing up old projects before "the new year" starts.:) Maybe thats what Im also feeling the need for, a bit unconsious though. I feel the need to clear, clean and toss things away. And finish all those piles of UFO:s lying around. A fresh start for autumn!:) And I agree that autumn brings new and exciting things, its always been like that, ever since I was young and the new school year started.

    Looking forward to see the coin quilt when its done. And I have to say Im so very impressed by the perfect knitwork on the sweater! Looking forward to see a modelling of that one with your beautiful brittish countryside in the background!:)

  5. good idea, unfortunately the pile of unfinished projects is soo large, I do not know where to begin...


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