
16 November 2011

Quilts & Quilting :: How to Make a Quilter's Knot

As instruções que escrevi para os quilt kits são praticamente um mini-curso de quilting. Hoje mostro-vos um pequeno extracto das mesmas — a parte em que explico como fazer um quilter's knot. Este nó não só é ideal para acolchoar um quilt e coser um binding, como também é útil para coser à mão em geral.

The instructions I've written for the quilt kits are almost like a mini quilting course. Today I'm going to show you a little extract — the part where I explain how to make a quilter's knot. This type of knot is perfect not only for hand-quilting and hand-sewing the binding, but also for hand-sewing in general.

Comece por passar a linha três ou quatro vezes à volta da agulha.

Start by wrapping the thread around the needle three or four times.

Com o indicador e o polegar, puxe a linha enrolada ao longo da agulha e a todo o comprimento da linha.

Using your index finger and thumb, pull the wrapped thread all the way down the needle and until you reach the end of your entire length of thread.

No fim da linha ter-se-á formado um nó perfeito. Se for necessário, corte a cauda excedente.

(é possível que tenha de treinar umas quantas vezes mas, assim que lhe apanhar o jeito, verá que é muito simples e rápido!)

You should now have a perfect knot at the end of your thread. If necessary, cut the remaining tail.

(you may have to try this a couple of times but once you get the hang of it you'll see how simple and fast it is!)

(photos: Tiago Cabral)


  1. Esta ideia é genial para quem gosta muito de quilts, mas não faz a mínima ideia por onde começar!
    Acho que vai ter que fazer muuuuitos kits!

  2. Por acaso já sabia este truque porque a minha professora de costura também dá aulas de patchwork então um dia falou-me nisso e realmente dá mt mt jeito =)

  3. tenho que treinar várias vezes :) A minha avó ensinou-me de maneira diferente, mas também tive que treinar muitas vezes.

  4. This is how I learned to make a knot by my mother, and I wouldn't know any other way to do so. Never knew it was known as a quilters knot, never quilted either but I love your posts on quilting. I might.....perhaps....someday.....

  5. Hmmm, so this knot has a name:) Have always knotted my thread this way (not sure why tho) and taught my daughter this know. It's a great go-to knot!

  6. I learned that knot over 30 years ago when I learned to quilt. It is a great knot.

  7. Thanks for the tip! I have always made my knots by wrapping. Thread around my finger. But since I hurt my index finger now have trouble making a knot. Will definitely try this!

  8. I have never heard of this, but it makes so much sense! Thank you. Can't wait to try it.

  9. It is a great method which is tried and true, however, 3-4 wraps around the needle is way too many. 1-2 times is enough in my experience as the more wraps the bigger the knot (obviously) and then you end up with this huge lump in your piecing/quilting/applique.


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