
23 December 2011

Guest Post @ IKEA Bla Bla Blog :: Day 5

O meu último texto de 2011 no Bla Bla Blog é sobre embrulhar presentes — podem ler as minhas sugestões aqui.

My last guest post on Bla Bla Blog is all about wrapping gifts — you can read it here (in Portuguese only, sorry).


  1. Merry Christmas Concha to you and your family....enjoy the festive season!

  2. Olá, estou passando pelos blogues que eu gosto e visito regularmente para desejar um lindo e feliz Natal, bjs

  3. I could tell that we’re on the same interest and obsession. Good to know someone I could share my ideas. Looking forward to know and learn some more from you. I'll be glad to share my own thoughts to you soon. Thank you for sharing such valuable articles. More power!


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