22 December 2014

Mesa de Natal :: Christmas Table

Ontem foi o solstício de Verão aqui no hemisfério sul. Visto que passamos o Natal no Verão, resolvi decorar a nossa mesa em conformidade com a época do ano. Este ano ainda não fomos à praia (tem chovido quase todos os dias) mas, quando em Fevereiro passado estivemos no Coromandel, trouxe um saco cheio de tesouros marinhos já a pensar na decoração do Natal de 2014.

A toalha é um lençol de linho grosso (com um monograma bordado a ponto de cruz encarnado!) que veio de casa do meu avô. No meio da mesa coloquei uma tira de serapilheira: limitei-me a cortar  uma tira com dois palmos no sentido da largura do tecido, e depois desfiei as bordas. Fiz três arranjos com flores, folhas e ervas aromáticas do nosso jardim e, em seguida, distribuí conchas, búzios, pinhas, pedras-pomes, esta espécie de pompons/ouriços de palha (que também encontrei na praia) e mais folhas do jardim. Terminei a decoração com uns quantos guizos de Natal em branco. Por fim, pus a mesa com o nosso serviço bom e com o faqueiro de todos os dias. Mas esqueci-me dos copos...!

Yesterday was Midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere. Since we celebrate Christmas during summertime, I've decided to decorate our table in conformity with the season. This year we haven't been to the beach yet (it's been raining almost every day) but when we were in the Coromandel in February I collected a bag full of beach treasures, already thinking ahead about Christmas decorations.

The tablecloth is an old linen sheet (with a cross-stitched red monogram!) that I inherited from my  late grandfather. Across the table I placed a table runner I made by simply cutting a strip of hessian (burlap) and unraveling the long edges of the material. I whipped up three small flower arrangements with things I cut from my garden: some flowers, a few seed pods, variegated foliage and a generous amount of rosemary. Then I distributed the maritime elements: shells, conches, pinecones, pumice and these amazing straw pompoms. I added in a bit of foliage to keep things fresh. I brought some Christmas cheer to the table by scattering a few white rattles amongst the beachy objects. Finally I laid the table with my "special" dinner set and our everyday flatware. But I seem to have ignored the glasses...!

(photos: © Constança Cabral)


  1. A mesa está linda Concha! Deve ser uma sensação estranha (digo eu) o Natal ser no Verão, mas não deixará de ser com certeza um óptimo Natal. Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo para todos! :)

  2. Olá Constança passei para te desejar um Feliz Natal com muita saúde ,paz e alegria e que venha um 2015 com muito mais inspirações, de um bjinho nos meninos por mim pois tenho um cariho muito grande por vcs ,bjs e fiquem com Deus. Da amiga brasileira Adriana Milagres. SP-Brasil.

  3. It looks lovely, I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, and had a Happy New Year.

    Mal from the UK

  4. Really love your table decorations and flowers arrangement. It's really pretty. I'm always amazed by your arrangements. I tried, this summer, to make a «Concha» from myself and use the flowers in my yard to decorate my table like you. But I found some worms/bugs inside and I gave up realllllly fast the idea! ;)
    And it confort me, in my -30°C weather now at home, to think about your summer time!
    Happy new year to you!

  5. Syukur Alhamdulillah di tahun ini Saya mendapatkan Rezeki yg berlimpah sebab sudah hampir 9 Tahun Saya bekerja di (SINGAPORE) tdk pernah menikmati hasil jeripaya saya karna Hutang keluarga Sangatlah banyak namun Akhirnya, saya bisa terlepas dari masalah Hutang Baik di bank maupun sama Majikan saya di Tahun yg penuh berkah ini,
    Dan sekarang saya bisa pulang ke Indonesia dgn membawakan Modal buat Keluarga supaya usaha kami bisa di lanjutkan lagi,dan tak lupa saya ucapkan Terimah kasih banyak kepada MBAH SURYO karna Beliaulah yg tlah memberikan bantuan kepada kami melalui bantuan Nomor Togel jadi sayapun berhasil menang di pemasangan Nomor di SINGAPORE dan menang banyak
    Jadi,Bagi Teman yg ada di group ini yg mempunyai masalah silahkan minta bantuan Sama MBAH SURYO dgn cara tlp di Nomor ;082-342-997-888 percaya ataupun tdk itu tergantung sama anda Namun inilah kisa nyata saya

  6. saya atas nama BPK. SAMSUL dari MADURA ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH KARYO,kalau bukan karna bantuannya munkin sekaran saya sudah terlantar dan tidak pernaah terpikirkan oleh saya kalau saya sdh bisa sesukses ini dan saya tdk menyanka klau MBAH KARYO bisa sehebat ini menembuskan semua no,,jika anda ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH KARYO no ini 082301536999 saya yakin anda tdk akan pernah menyesal klau sudah berhubungan dgn MBAH KARYO dan jgn percaya klau ada yg menggunakan pesan ini klau bukan nama BPK. SAMSUL dan bukan nama MBAH KARYO krna itu cuma palsu.

  7. The decoration looks amazing you decorated the table perfectly. I have never seen any table decorated like this. I appreciate the hard work you put into this and I know your guests will love this decoration.


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