Tanta conversa acerca de tecidos deu-me vontade de voltar a organizar o meu stash. Usei o método da Monica para dobrar os cortes maiores de tecido; os mais pequenos foram dobrados da mesma maneira mas, à falta de uma régua menor, usei um pequeno caderno Moleskine. Ao fim da primeira hora a dobrar (sim, porque esta tarefa hercúlea demorou vários dias), senti que tinha libertado um monstro mas que já não dava para recuar. Vamos ver quanto tempo isto dura...
All this talk about fabric made me want to reorganise my stash. I followed Monica's method to fold the larger cuts; as for the smaller ones, due to the lack of a smaller ruler I used a Moleskine notebook. After the first hour spent folding (yes, this herculean task did take several days) I felt I had released a monster but there was no way back. Let's see how long this will look like this...
(images: Constança Cabral)
(images: Constança Cabral)
Está lindo! Vou agora arrumar os meus tecidos, você me inspirou nesta manhã!
ReplyDeleteNão tem de ser com uma régua, nem com um livro. Podes fazer uma bitola ( ou várias) com "madeira" (aparite, laminado, MDF ou cartão homogéneo) de todos os tamanhos que quiseres. Numa serração fazem-te isso num instante.
ReplyDeleteUma coisa que sempre achei "esquisito" e parece não combinar contigo, é teres esse movelzinho de (18!) gavetas ainda em bruto. Muito me admira que ainda não o tenhas forrado de tecido.
Tenho a certeza que ia ficar lindo!
Pois é, Ana, tenho planos para o pintar de branco mas ainda não houve oportunidade...
ReplyDeleteCerto. Fico à espera. ;)
ReplyDeleteMais coisinhas bonitas sobre a tua casa. :))
Eu também organizei ontem o meu-modesto-monte-de-tecidos-o-qual-é-pequeno-demais-para-chamar-stash. Caganda colecção!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, this looks so neat and organised.
ReplyDeletethis looks really pretty! i also reorganized my stash last week. (:
ReplyDeleteHello, love your craftwork and here in the Netherlands we can be proude to the work we make ourself.
ReplyDeleteCarry on and I have put your blog to mij favorites!
I also have a blog, about quilting, gardening, making clothes also. But difficult to read for you because its in Dutch.
With love
Aha, you noticed my post :-) Yes, I was so suprised that none of my blogfriends (Swedish) had mentioned your blog so I just had to. Have they not read the IKEA magazine or what?!
ReplyDeleteI just love your fabric cupboard! All these wonderful patterns and colours! And today's picture, I just can't stop looking at it... :-) Thanks for writing your posts also in English, I understand a few of the Portuguese words, those which are similar to Spanish or French, and some I can guess but English definitely helps.
The message in my blog was that the second part of the post, the part about your blog, was for fabric addicts (fabric nerds...) only :-)
The first part of the post was about a cover for my printer which I had just sewed, but immediately when I put it on I regretted my choice of fabric... I should have used something with colour. Category "Sy o tyg" (sewing and fabric) is my category about sewing.
ReplyDeleteSO wonderful to have that order at the fabrics!
What a treat to find you via the Ikea article. Well done on the exposure and looking forward to reading more :-)
ReplyDeleteGORGEOUS display of fabrics...very happy to have found your Blog!
ReplyDeleteHi I enjoyed visiting your blog. So varied and something for everyone. Beautiful photographs too. Love all those fabric designs.