03 October 2007

Japan in USA - part I

Uma das atracções de Nova Iorque foi visitar livrarias japonesas e ter a oportunidade (raríssima!) de folhear livros japoneses de crafts. Fomos à Kinokuniya, à Book-Off e à Asahiya -- uhu, que mundo!! Acabei por trazer alguns livros que vão aumentar a minha colecção (confesso que, se pudesse, teria trazido muitos mais!).

One of NYC's attractions was visiting Japanese bookstores, where I had the (rare) chance to actually look at Japanese craft books. We went to Kinokuniya, Book-Off and Asahiya -- oh my!, that's another world!! I ended up buying some books for my collection (I must say that if I only could I would have bought many more!).

ISBN 4-277-41147-9

ISBN 4-391-62249-1

ISBN 978-4-8347-2599-5 (this one is my favourite)

Amanhã mostro mais!

Tomorrow I'll show more!

1 comment:

  1. mostra, que eu não me canso de ver estas imagens!


Thanks for your comment; do come again soon!

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