27 March 2008

Inesperado / Unexpected

Esta fotografia foi tirada com o meu telemóvel, daí a evidente falta de qualidade. Ontem estava na Biblioteca Nacional e eis que me deparo com um pedaço de papel recortado entre as páginas de um livro religioso português do século XVII. Minutos antes tinha encontrado uma pequena e muito antiga fita carmim (acho que é carmim é o termo mais acertado) dentro de um outro livro... Estas pequenas descobertas fascinam-me totalmente: começo a pensar por que mãos terão passado os livros que agora consulto, como seria a vida de quem os leu, enfim...
This photo was taken with my mobile phone, hence the lack of quality. Yesterday I was at the Portuguese National Library and suddently I came across this papercutting among the pages of a Portuguese 17th century religious book. Minutes before I had found a very old red ribbon inside another book... This small discoveries amaze me: I start wondering about the hands that have already touched those books and how the lives of those people who read them could have been...


  1. Realmente, o que os livros guardam...

  2. Lovely! I love coming across things that make me think of the many generations before me, what captivated them, why they were drawn to certian things etc. I love discovering things even more when it comes to my family life and my ancestors.

    What a neat experience that must have been for you at the library.


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