23 July 2008

No-knead bread + shop update

As experiências de fazer pão em casa continuam... Resolvi experimentar esta receita depois de ler sobre uma fantástica côdea aqui e aqui. Este método revolucionário baseia-se numa fermentação leeenta (20 horas no total) e conta com o fiel Le Creuset (ou outra panela no género) para alcançar uma côdea crocante e que não envergonharia nenhum padeiro. Pena foi (1) ter-me esquecido de pôr sal -- e nós portugueses gostamos de pão salgado, não é? -- e (2) o meu Le Creuset ser demasiado grande -- o pão ficou achatado. De resto, estou satisfeita e recomendo!

The making-bread-at-home experiences go on... I decided to try this recipe after reading about a fantastic crust here and here. This revolutionary method is based on a slooow fermentation (20 hours total) and relies on the faithful Le Creuset (or a similar pan) to achieve a crusty crust (that's right!) that would make any baker feel proud. Unfortunately (1) I forgot to add salt -- and we Portuguese love salty bread, right? -- and (2) my Le Creuset is too big -- the bread got flat. Otherwise, I'm pleased and I recommend it!

E de caminho, há novos babetes na loja.

By the way, there are new bibs at the shop.


  1. com os babetes posso comer o excelente pão sem me sujar todo. eh, eh, eh.

  2. I've been meaning to try that bread ever since my aunts told me about how good it was. Yours looks nice and crusty. I don't have a le creuset though... I have a stoneware dish that I think would work. It's worth a try!

  3. I've been wanting to make bread at home but intimidated. Recently I learned what I want is often called "artisan breads". This looks great, I wonder if I need this specific dish to make it work. I won't buy it so I just have to make a test.


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