26 April 2009

Pattern for Smartness

Ainda na senda das imagens retro sobre roupa feita em casa, não resisto a publicar este filme publicitário de 1948 da Simplicity, conhecida marca americana de moldes. O filme está dividido em duas partes e tem um total de 19 minutos. Para além de nostálgico e didático (aprendi umas coisas sobre pinças e franzidos), tem partes que me fizeram rir às gargalhadas. E depois de verem o filme, expliquem-me por que razão aparece a Betty vestida de Branca de Neve...
Keeping on with retro pictures about homemade clothes, I can't resist publishing this 1948 publicity film by Simplicity, a well-known American pattern company. The film is divided in two parts and lasts for 19 minutes. Not only is it nostalgic and educational (I learned a few things about darts and gathers), it also made me laugh out loud. One more thing: after watching the film, can someone explain me why is Betty dressed just like Snow White?


  1. That was great. Thanks for posting it :)

  2. What different times they were! They were fun to watch & I can't believe I actually do my darts the same way! I must have picked that from "home economic" classes myself!

  3. The intro music and the announcer were used in every film I ever watched when I was in school. And, I think that I actually used this exact film when I was teaching Home Ec classes way, way back when. It was very familiar!

  4. ha ha! i love it! thank so much for posting and sharing. all good wishes :D


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