23 February 2010


O Aga é extraordinário! Cozinha, faz torradas, aquece a casa e até engoma.
The Aga is extraordinary! It cooks, makes toast, warms up the place and even irons clothes.

(image: Constança Cabral)


  1. I have a Aga and i love it almost as much as my husband :-)

  2. the aga is so COOL that even if didn't work it would be nice to have it just because it really is a stylish statement :) but if it works so great... even better :)))

    hugs fede

  3. Que inveja, adorava ter um Aga :(

  4. And it dries wet mittens, gloves, hats and scarves after you've been playing in the snow.
    And it is the perfect spot for your doggy to curl up in front of.
    And I've heard of people putting orphaned or abandoned young lambs in the bottom oven to warm them up.
    And you can make drop scones straight on the plate (without a frying pan).
    And you can make the most amazing roast dinners in them.
    And popular myth has it that Debo Devonshire (Duchess of - the one who restored Chatsworth) had one specially made in the exact same colour as her eyes.

    Bet there are other people with a million other uses for an Aga!

  5. Não resisti e larguei uma sonora gargalhada quando vi a foto e ficou tudo a olhar para mim (neste momento estou a trabalhar). Bem queria ter um!

  6. My sister in law has just written me a poem which says how safe she feels around my Aga. Everyone huddles around it in this weather. xx

  7. Para as mais ignorantes era bom um post a explicar as maravilhas e funcionamento de um AGA.

    obrigada A.M.

  8. A. M.,

    O Aga é basicamente um forno com vários compartimentos e com duas placas quentes em cima, uma a uma temperatura mais alta que outra.

    A forma como armazena o calor é especial (mas não consigo fornecer expicações técnicas) e está sempre ligado.

    A partir daí, há que inventar maneiras para o rentabilizar!

  9. Oh...every post you have makes me miss my "home" so much. I grew up in the north of Scotland with an Aga that looked EXACTLY like that (white!) and it did everything from cook our meals to heat the entire house. It only went out once in the entire time I was a child. I already loved your blog but now it is such excitement to see your posts each day to see what new nostalgic treat awaits me!

  10. Ena, pensava que estavas a brincar, mas pelos vistos não! :)
    Bom proveito!

  11. I had my first experience of an aga in our holiday home last Summer - they are so fantastic! Sadly my kitchen is the size of a shoebox, and where we live isn't exactly country living!


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