O livro que aparece em todas estas fotografias chama-se Greenery Street e foi escrito por Denis Mackail. É absolutamente delicioso, daqueles livros em que se saboreia a prosa e o espírito britânico. Mafalda, se passares em Walpole Street em Chelsea já sabes: estás em Greenery Street!
The book shown in every picture here is Greenery Street by Denis Mackail. It's an absolutely delicious novel where you can actually taste both the writing style and the British spirit. Greenery Street is really Walpole Street in Chelsea, London.
Esta editora produz livros verdadeiramente requintados, com capas sóbrias, papel de qualidade e com a cor perfeita, tipo de letra agradável e guardas muito bonitas e sempre diferentes (neste caso, as guardas são um cretone que a protagonista poderia ter escolhido para forrar o sofá da sala). Fazem lembrar-me as edições exemplares da Cotovia!
This publishing house prints truly exquisite books with sober covers, good and perfect-coloured paper, a pleasant font and lovely and distinctive endpapers ("There was no question about the endpaper fabric for Greenery Street - it had to be something that the Fosters would have had in their house. This 1925 cretonne is, we believe, exactly what Felicity might have bought at 'Andrew Brown's' (Peter Jones) and used to cover the sofa."). They remind me of Cotovia's unique books!
Aqui está a tal guarda. Fica mesmo bem com esta chita-cretone do meu saco!
Here's the endpaper. It really matches my bag's cretonne (a traditional Portuguese cretonne called "chita").

Aqui está um excelente post sobre estes livros, escrito pela pessoa através da qual fiz esta fantástica descoberta.
Here is an excellent post on the subject, written by the person through whom I came across this wonderful discovery.
I'll have to check that one out, sounds like my kind of thing (big Jane Austen fan here).
ReplyDeleteThe fabric on your wing chair is wonderful, and the simply pieced red cushion compliments it beatifully.
ReplyDeleteSabe algum site nacional de venda de tecidos e feltro?
Aqui, por exemplo, há tecidos (estrangeiros) à venda): http://rosapomar.bigcartel.com/
ReplyDeleteDear Enid Blyton,
ReplyDeleteShall we condemn you for making us avid readers of english literature? Shall we condemn you for being avid admirers of all things british (at least me)?
In what I'm concerned, I'll be forever grateful to you for opening up the doors to such a great culture!
ooh, thank you for this post - these sound like just the thing I need
ReplyDelete(was also a great fan of Enid - currently introducing my daughter to her "charms")
(having a super teeny tiny giveaway on my blog (have made it to 50 posts - can't quite believe it) so tiny almost not worth mentioning...but if you fancy something super tiny and teeny (but quite smelly...) pop on by...)
I have read all the books of the sister of St Clara!! I loved then!!
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