22 September 2008

Olá Outono / Hello Autumn

É engraçado ver como tantos crafty blogs celebram as estações do ano. A mim também me fascinam e nunca me canso de admirar as transformações que suscitam. No Outono, adoro a mudança de cor das folhas, principalmente quando se transmutam num encarniçado raiado de verdes e amarelos. Tenho o sonho de um dia assistir à foliage no Vermont.
It's funny how so many crafty blogs celebrate seasons. They fascinate me as well and I never get tired of admiring all the changes they bring along. In Autumn I love how leaves change their colours, especially when they become red with dashes of green and yellow. One of my dreams is to see foliage in Vermont.

Este fim-de-semana fomos passear ao Parque Natural do Douro Internacional. Eu, que ligo mais às plantas do que aos bichos, vibrei com as amoras maduras e com as amêndoas ainda nos ramos, e antecipei com alegria a época das castanhas.


We spent this weekend at Douro Internacional Natural Park, the second largest natural park in Portugal, where the river Douro passes through mountainous territory along the Portuguese/Spanish border. I'm partial to plants, not animals, so I was happy to see the blackberries ready to be picked, the almonds still on branches; I also anticipated with joy the chestnut season.

PS. As fotografias são do Tiago.
PS. Tiago took the photos.


  1. Bonitas fotos!
    (e obrigada pela visita - não se ainda se faz auqela chita, mas também gosto muito)

  2. Thank you for sharing the almond photo! I've never seen one growing! That's one of the great benefits of having the opportunity to read blog from all parts of the world!! Thanks for translating your beautiful words into English!


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