20 September 2008

Quarto branco / White bedroom

Hoje decidi deixar-me de vergonhas e mostrar aqui o nosso quarto. Afinal, daqui a uns meses estará escarrapachado numa revista e será visto por milhões, por isso o meu pudor nesta matéria deixou de fazer sentido.
Today I'm showing you our bedroom. I've been reluctant about showing this but now I've changed my mind: since it will be published in a few months, millions of people will see it... so why should I be so prude?

Comecemos pelas coisas que me fazem comichão: detesto as janelas (não houve hipótese de escolha) e as cortinas estão por fazer (ainda só temos black-outs).


Let us start with those things that that make me itch: I hate the windows (we really had no choice) and I still have to sew some curtains (we only have blinds).

Foquemo-nos agora nas minhas partes preferidas: a cama foi pintada de branco, as cómodas ganharam puxadores de porcelana da loja de ferragens aqui ao pé, as mesas-de-cabeceira -- compradas em super-saldos -- idem. Os quadros são desenhos de plantas do campo português e foram oferecidos ao Tiago pela Estação Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas.


Now my favourite items: we painted the bed white, the chests of drawers got a new set of (porcelain) knobs we bought at the local hardware shop, the bedside tables -- bought on a super sale -- got the same treatment. The prints are drawings of some types of plants you find in the Portuguese countryside.


  1. Hey, what's wrong with your windows? They look fine to me!
    I love your bedroom, it's so calm... i would fall asleep immediately!
    And so cool you're in the Ikea magazine! They've asked me too some time ago, but so far nothing happened. Apparently my home isn't suitable for their themes or something... :(

  2. My windows are brown... no, not brown, bronze... they are aluminium too.

    The Ikea magazine people took several months until they decided to contact me again... I had already given up! So maybe someday you'll be surprised!

  3. What a beautiful room! I love your quilt.

  4. Tá fantástico! Branquinho, super calmo... Só mudava a "árvore dos colares" para vermelho (ahaha! Tenho igual) para quebrar o branco.

  5. lovely room!I don't like total white, but this is awesome!!!!And the bed is one of my favorites!

  6. Congrats! Your bedroom is lovely! :)


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