17 June 2009

Shop update

Actualizei novamente a loja, desta vez com quatro sacos perfeitos para o Verão. Por muito femininas e sofisticadas que sejam as clutches, há alturas em que é preciso mais espaço, não é? Estes sacos têm um tamanho óptimo e permitem ir directamente do tabalho para a praia!
I just updated the shop with four bags that are perfect for Summer. Clutches are very feminine and sophisticated but sometimes you need more room, isn't it so? These bags have a great size, allowing you to head directly from work to the beach!

:: summer roses hobo bag ::

:: summer paisley hobo bag ::

(images: Constança Cabral)


  1. wonder wonder wonder ... wonderful :-)))

  2. Sou fã do teu trabalho!
    Continua a mostrar com muito capricho o que bem sabes fazer e boa sorte!

    Beijinhos da Elsa Chança

  3. Adoro...

    Quando poderes envia as amostras de tecidos ;)

    Belo Trabalho.

  4. Adorei teu blog! Já estás nos meus preferidos!


  5. Concha, você vai colocar mais clutches à venda? Estou doida por uma nova! Helena

  6. Vou sim, Helena! Estou a trabalhar nisso neste momento. :)

  7. All the Bags are beautiful but over priced. You can get the same type of bags for half price.


  8. Dear Christina,

    Pricing tends to be a controversial subject. I do believe it's entirely personal, as I am the only one who knows how much my materials have costed, the amount of time each bag took in the making, photographing, etc.

    That being said, I am at peace with the prices I have set. I think they are both fair for me and for the buyer. I only use high quality materials and I sell high quality goods. I'm not forcing anyone to buy my bags.


  9. This new bags are really really beautiful! Very glamour fabrics!!!!! I also make handmade bags and the quality of the material is very important! Your bags are beautiful and the price is absolutely ok!

  10. Normally I don't like to intervene when it come to my wife business. Today, because of Christina’s comment, I feel oblige to do it.
    So this is for her and all the others that think that my wife’s bags are overpriced.
    First of all, you must always keep in mind that these articles are all hand made, one by one, by the same person. There is no assembly line, there are no machines cutting hundreds of fabric pieces by the minute, these are not mass products, these are unique products.
    Now that you can imagine just one person making bag after bag, let’s rewind a little bit. The first stage of making a bag is to chose the fabrics, that takes time, lots of it, you have to look for the colors, the patterns, everything. I’m sure that at your job, when you are doing research you’re being paid, right? So some of the time spent researching for materials must be reflected on the final price.
    Ok, so searching for materials is covered, making the bags also, but unfortunately the bags don’t get sold by themselves. So you need a sales and marketing department (and to contract a communication agency to take the pictures and write the texts), by now you must be guessing who is all of that, you guessed it, it is the same person o just spent all of her time making the bags.
    So this is it. If you want, you can by bags by half the price, sure, if you just want a bag exactly like the one you neighbor bought or half of the world population for that matters. But if you want something unique, let me tell you that at Saidos da Concha you are getting a real bargain.

    That’s all folks, maybe a bit long but it had to be told.

    Tiago aka the husband

  11. I absolutely agree that making unique handmade bags take lot of creativity n work too. I don't doubt about the material you r using. I m sure it's high quality one but there are other etsy shops where good quality unique handmade bags are available for lower prices. 70 dollors is a quite high price n all your fans can't afford that. Anyway it's up to the buyers. I m sorry if I hurt your feelings.


  12. 70 dollars a handmade bag??????????????????

  13. Olá! Tenho visitado o teu blogue vezes sem conta nos últimos meses (vi todos os posts desde o início), mas só hoje decidi comentar. Antes de mais nada, queria dizer que é uma passagem obrigatória todas as vezes que ligo a Internet. Admiro muito o teu trabalho, gostava de ter tempo e persistência para aprender a fazer algo do género. Muitos parabéns. A evolução é notável.
    Queria também dizer-te que os pormenores (como o forro ou os botões) são uma das coisas que torna o teu trabalho tão especial e apelativo.

    Muito boa sorte!
    Beijinhos, Ana T.

  14. Muitos parabéns por o Saídos da Concha ter aparecido na TIME OUT!

  15. Olá Constança. Também quero dar-te os parabéns pela menção do Saídos da Concha na Time Out. Soube logo assim que vi a bolsinha feito com aquele tecido lindo que era tua; é uma marca bastante reconhecível.
    Continua a trabalhar como tens vindo a trabalhar e não ligues a comentários de quem não tem todos os factos e não pode compreender o teu trabalho...

  16. We all made handmade things so we can understand the work of Contanca...but 70 dollars + shipping for such a so simple bag...on-line you can find free pattern for doing that model. I have made the same bag with an ikea fabric for only 15 euro!!!

  17. Laurence la Parisienne!26 June 2009 at 04:07:00 GMT+12

    Hello Constança!
    Votre travail est toujours aussi réussi, il ne faut pas se laisser influencer et continuer son chemin, mais vous le savez bien! Petite nouvelle, j'ai trouvé des épingles comme les votres, les petites fleurettes, et j'en suis bien ravie!!! Ainsi, désormais je couds avec encore plus de plaisir et en pensant à vous!!


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