29 August 2007

Show and tell

Ora o que há a assinalar nestes últimos dias?
Comecemos pelo factor sorte: tenho ganho alguns sorteios na blogosfera crafty (cheia de sorte!), e desta vez calhou-me esta caixa de óculos no U-Handbag. O desafio era fazer uma pergunta relacionada com a vertente comercial dos crafts, e a pergunta que fiz mereceu esta resposta pormenorizada e bastante informativa.

What have I been doing that's crafty related in these past few days?
First of all, the luck factor: I've already won some contests in crafty blogland (lucky girl!) and this time I was lucky enough to win this eyeglasses case in U-Handbag. The challenge was to ask Bag/Craft selling questions and mine got this very detailed and useful answer.

Quanto a coisas feitas por mim, voltei a utilizar o molde da charming handbag do livro Bend-the-rules sewing e fiz esta carteira com um tecido Freshcut.

As far as things I actually made are concerned, I used the charming handbag pattern again (from Bend-the-rules sewing) and came up with this handbag in a Freshcut fabric.

E por último, a minha avó fez anos há dois dias e meu presente foi esta carteira de linho.

Last but not least, my grandmother's birthday was two days ago and I gave her this linen handbag.


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