Recentemente temos pintado alguns objectos de nossa casa... de branco. A Mafalda diz que a nossa casa se assemelha ao Olimpo, mas a verdade é que a tinta branca é óptima para cobrir madeiras desinteressantes e harmonizar estilos. Dito isto, pintámos (e uso o plural com propriedade) dois bancos e dois espelhos. O espelho da casa-de-banho tem direito a antes e depois. Estou contente!
Recently we have painted some objects in our home... white. Mafalda says our home seems Mount Olympus, but truth is white paint is a great tool for covering uninteresting wood and harmonizing styles. So we painted (and I intentionaly use the plural) two benches and two mirrors. The bathroom mirror can be seen before and after the job. I'm happy! :)
Recently we have painted some objects in our home... white. Mafalda says our home seems Mount Olympus, but truth is white paint is a great tool for covering uninteresting wood and harmonizing styles. So we painted (and I intentionaly use the plural) two benches and two mirrors. The bathroom mirror can be seen before and after the job. I'm happy! :)
boa tarde!
ReplyDeleteIn your bathroom I'd have to peak myself on order not to think I was at home: all in white, the same washstand, even the same soap bottle, the same little round mirror... :-))The large mirror looks great in white, good work.
have a happy weekend!
Também adoro branco. E pintei alguns móveis... Fica muito bom.
ReplyDeleteEu AMO tudo branco. Essa cor trás as sensações de paz, de limpeza, de organização. Além do mais, todas as outras cores no branco se destacam, transformando qualquer detalhe num enfeite. Branco é tudo!